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CPS-ECP National


Our boating courses help you with

what you have to know:
  • Boating 1: PCOC (2 nights)
  • VHF Maritime Radio (2 nights)

what you should know:
  • Boating 2: Beyond the PCOC (5 weeks)
  • Boating 3: Intro to Navigation (6 weeks)
what you want to know:
  • Boat & Engine maintenance (11 weeks)
  • Weather for Boaters (7 weeks)
what you might like to know:
  • Boating 4: Seamanship (12 weeks)
  • Boating 5: Advanced Piloting (12 weeks)

How to Become a CPS-ECP Member

Regular CPS-ECP membership is available to those who successfully complete the examination following the CPS-ECP Boating Course. Boating courses are regularly available in the Halifax Area. For information, click here

Membership is for those who share a common love of boating and are interested in advancing the educational objectives of the organization. Visit the CPS-ECP National Website to learn about the many benefits of membership in CPS-ECP.

"CPS Associate" membership is open to those who successfully complete the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) accredited examination that accompanies The Boat Pro Manual/Course, or who successfully complete the CCG accredited examination that is offered after completion of specific sections of the Boating Course.

We look forward to meeting you and hope you'll join in the fun, learning and camaraderie of the CPS-ECP organization. For more specific information, please email your question to the

You can also visit the National Headquarters online, or phone them at 1-888-CPS-BOAT or 416-293-2438.

Already a CPS-ECP Member, click here to update your CPS-ECP National membership data or if you're a member of the Halifax Squadron, Login using your CPS-ECP number or Email Address, update your profile and we will forward any changes to head office.

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